Legal Service, Process Server, Attorney Documents Delivery, Civil Procedure
(866) 684-3775

Returns & Refund Policy
Return and Refund Policy
The following are the terms and conditions for all services provided by Serving Others, LLC. Serving Others, LLC. will be identified in the remainder of these terms and conditions as SO. Under these terms and conditions, "service requester" refers to you. At SO, we work 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and weekends upon request to assure due diligence. All services are followed up by an Affidavit.
RATES: All quoted rates are estimates only and are subject to change without notice. Rates for service of any kind are calculated based upon several factors including, but not limited to: service requested, level of service requested (standard, rush, etc.), the number of individuals, etc. Unlawful detainers (evictions), restraining orders, bank levies and earnings withholding orders (wage garnishments) are charged at a higher rate of service. For service of process, all rates quoted are quoted per proof of service.
GUARANTEE: SO guarantees only, that earnest and diligent attempts to serve process will be made on behalf of service requester.
REFUNDS: Refunds are ONLY granted if no action has been taken by SO on the service requester's behalf. This includes but is not limited to: documents being sent into the field for service of process, documents sent into the field for filing, service representatives being sent into the field on behalf of service requester. The no refund policy includes all services provided by SO including but not limited to: Routine, Standard, Next Day, Urgent, and On Demand service fees, Surcharge Fees, Convenience fees, handling Fees, and payment fees, (witness/material fees, etc.) See the cancellation policy for circumstances where action has not been taken by SO on behalf of the service requester.SO Policy: For the exchange or return of goods sold and adjustment for services rendered shall be established and posted in accordance with applicable regulations of the applicable Card Scheme and laws. SO agrees to disclose, if applicable, to a Cardholder before a Card sale is made, that if service of process is unsatisfactory by customer or anyone who may represent you (a) no refund will be given. (b) returned merchandise ie; SO stationary or clothing with logo on merchandise will only be exchanged for similar merchandise of comparable value (c) only a credit toward purchases will be given; (d) a restocking fee will be charged; or (e) special conditions or circumstances apply to the sale (e.g. late delivery, delivery charges or other non-credit terms). If Merchant does not make these disclosures, a full refund in the form of a credit to the Cardholders Card account must be given. In no circumstances shall any cash refunds be given on any item originally charged to a Card. The foregoing disclosures must be made on all copies of Sales Drafts across all Card Schemes issued at the time of the sale in letters approximately ¼ inch high in close proximity to the space provided for the Cardholders signature. In circumstances where credits or adjustments are due, Merchant shall prepare and deliver to the Cardholder a properly completed Credit Voucher. Merchant will input Credit Vouchers into the equipment on the day of the credit Transaction for inclusion in Merchant’s daily transmission of Transactions Card Brand Fees:
CONVENIENCE FEE: A fee charged to the Cardholder by the Merchant for a true convenience for accepting a credit or debit card. Examples of a “true convenience” are payment through the internet, mail order or phone order. All Card Schemes allow Merchants to charge a convenience fee. All Card Schemes must be charged equally. The Merchant is required to disclose the fee to the Cardholder and provide the Cardholder with the opportunity to cancel the Transaction, if the Cardholder does not want to pay the convenience fee. In addition to the foregoing, (i) Visa requires Merchants to have a brick and mortar location in order to be allowed to charge a convenience fee; (ii) MasterCard requires processors to register any Government or Education merchant.
SURCHARGE: A charge in addition to the initial amount of the sale on a credit card to cover the Merchant’s cost of acceptance. All Card Schemes allow surcharging. Visa, MasterCard and Discover require Merchants to register with the Card Schemes. The Merchant is required to disclose the fee at the entry of their establishment and at the point of sale. The cardholder must be given the opportunity to cancel the Transaction if they do not want to pay the surcharge fee. The amount of the charge cannot exceed the amount of the Merchant’s discount fee on Visa, MasterCard and Discover and is capped at 4%. The surcharge must appear on the sales receipt separately from the sales amount. All Card Schemes must be charged equally. Currently there are several states that prohibit surcharging. Merchants should check their state and local laws prior to initiating a surcharge.
SERVICE FEE: Visa allows government and education Merchants to charge a different type of fee called a “service fee”. This fee is assessed for accepting payments for taxes, fees and fines for government MCCs and for tuition, room and board, lunch programs, etc. for education MCC Merchants. The service fee can be charged on credit and debit Transactions, in a face-to-face or card not present environment. The service fee must appear separate from the sales amount on the receipt. Merchants must be registered through Visa. Service fee must be disclosed prior to completion of the transaction, allowing the cardholder to cancel the Transaction if they do not wish to accept the service fee. MasterCard allows government and education merchants to charge “convenience fees” and has no separate “service fee” for these MCCs.
OTHER FEES: Handling fees and payment fees are allowed on all Card Schemes as long as these fees are charged on all payment channels; cash, checks, ACH, etc. These are not governed by the Card Schemes specifically. State and local laws may apply and merchants should ensure the fees are allowed in their area of business.
Fees: You shall pay all applicable sales taxes for services and products provided by SO.
FEES: SO requires full prepayment for all services requested, regardless of the type of service being requested. No service of any type will be attempted or performed without payment in full for the service requested. Payment for services may be made by credit/debit card or cash. All Card-Not-Present Transactions will be subject to the applicable interchange rates as defined by the Card Schemes. Notwithstanding the fees and costs listed in the Fee Schedule, Customer shall pay any additional costs and fees associated with “Non-Qualifying Transactions” (including, but not limited to, Card-Not-Present Transactions, or Transactions involving corporate, business, purchasing and/or rewards Cards or any other types of Cards subject to Non-Qualifying rates).
CANCELLATIONS: Once an invoice has been paid, but services of any kind have not yet been attempted, performed or provided, the service requester's invoice will be refunded. Cancellation requests for any service requested must be submitted to SO at the following email address: dcardenas@servingothers.legal Service requester must not consider a service canceled until the service requester receives a written notice from SO by email that their service cancellation request has been granted or denied. In the case of cancellation, any special offers e.g.: discounted service, internet offer, etc. prior to any service attempts, service requester's invoice will be refunded at the special offer rate.
COURT APPEARANCES: When a service requester requests that any employee, agent or subcontractor of SO appears in court to testify as a witness on behalf of the service requester, a court appearance fee will be invoiced to the service requester. Court appearances are charged at a 2-hour minimum, and at full 1-hour increments for every hour after the 2-hour minimum.
DOCUMENTS FOR SERVICE: SO will not alter any court generated documents. Documents that are received by SO will be served/filed as they are submitted by service requester.
PROOF OF SERVICE: Proof of service is provided for service of process by email and/or mailing by United States Postal Service. Proof of service will be provided to service requester no more than 48 hours (Monday - Friday) after service has been completed. S0 is not responsible for postal delays when proof of service is mailed to service requester.
STANDARD SERVICE: First attempt for standard service occurs within 72 hours after document(s) and payment have been received. Document(s) and payments that are submitted to SO Monday - Sunday after 5:00 PM PST, or any state / federal holiday are considered received by SO on the following day. Document(s) submitted for standard service may be served at rush or same day level of service at no charge. Proof of service will be provided to the service requester within 48 hours after service has been completed.Urgent Service: First attempt for rush service occurs within 24 hours after document(s) and payment have been received. Document(s) and payments that are submitted to SO Monday - Sunday after 5:00 PM PST, or any state/federal holiday are considered received by SO on the following day. Document(s) submitted for Priority Service may be served at same day level of service at no charge. Proof of service will be provided to the service requester within 48 hours after service has been completed.
URGENT SERVICE: First attempt for same day service occurs within 6 hours after document(s) and payment have been received. Document(s) and payments that are submitted to SO - Sunday after 12:00 PM PST, or any state/federal holiday are considered received by SO on the following day. Proof of service will be provided to the service requester within 48 hours after service has been completed. "ON DEMAND" SERVICE: First attempt for "Time to deliver right now" service occurs within 2 hours after document(s) and payment have been received. Document(s) and payments that are submitted to SO - Sunday after 2:00 PM PST, or any state/federal holiday are considered received by SO on the following day. Proof of service will be provided to the service requester within 48 hours after service has been completed.
STAKEOUT SERVICE is invoiced at a minimum of 30 minutes and up to 1 hour increments.
WAITING SERVICE is invoiced at a minimum of 1 hour and up to 2 hours per day.
WAITING, STAKEOUT, OR SPECIAL HANDLING hours are provided in consecutive minutes/hours only and are only provided per-address/location. Stakeouts and waiting hours will not be split, between locations, days, months. There are absolutely no refunds provided for WAITING, STAKEOUT, OR SPECIAL HANDLING service once SO action had begins “ look at REFUNDS under Return and Refunds Policy page. In the event that WAITING, STAKEOUT, is successful without SO utilizing all requested WAITING, STAKEOUT, hours, there are absolutely no refunds for the remaining surveillance hours. ATTEMPTS: SO will make 4 attempts at service for the rate charged. Attempts are per address, per named individual for the rate charged. Attempts will not be split between locations (addresses) or persons being served. Upon SO's completion of service of process, whether 1 - 4 attempts at service have been made, SO will have effectively fulfilled its obligation to service requester. Under no circumstances will SO be required to make further attempts at service without receiving additional payment for service. This includes but is not limited to: Documents needing to be re-served as a result of amendments, errors, or omissions on the part of the service requester.
GENERAL: SO, it's employees, agents, subcontractors, and/or Vendors are prohibited by law from giving legal advice or practicing law in any fashion. SO is not responsible for the accuracy and/or completeness of submitted documents it receives for service of any type. Any individual, company, government agency, etc. making a service request of any kind is solely responsible for the accuracy and the completeness of the documents being submitted to SO for any service. Any person, company, government agency, etc., that requests service of any kind from SO is wholly and solely responsible for the accuracy of information they provide to SO to facilitate the completion of requested service. Wrong address, typographical errors, etc. are the sole responsibility and liability of the service requester. For the purposes of service of process, SO is not responsible for inaccessible addresses/locations, i.e.: gated communities where no gate code has been provided to SO, private communities with no access, residences with locked gated yards, residences with large breed dogs in the yard, and bad addresses provided for service of process.
Additional address information provided to SO to facilitate electronic services, filing services, process server, record retrieve, and/or skip tracing will be treated as a new service request and will be invoiced at a rate equivalent to or greater than the full rate of the original invoice. SO will not under any circumstances alter documents submitted for service. Service requester has an obligation and is solely responsible for providing to SO all information that is at their disposal to facilitate the performance of requested service. Failure to comply under these terms and conditions may, at the sole discretion of SO, result in litigation being brought against service requester & any named party in documents for filing or service of process. SO, at its sole discretion, may choose to enforce or not enforce the terms and conditions listed here in whole or in part. Failure on the part of SO to enforce any portion of the terms and conditions listed here, in whole or in part, does not, nor will not render any portion of the terms and conditions in whole or in part null or void. Any allowances that SO grants outside of the terms and conditions listed here, does not, nor will not render any portion of the terms and conditions listed here null or void.
You (service requester) agree by submitting documents of any type and payment for services to SO, that should a dispute arise between you and SO, the dispute will be litigated in SAN DIEGO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, where the non-prevailing party will bear all costs and/or attorney fees associated with said litigation.
Debit Transactions are governed by network regulations as well as federal and state laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, and Regulation E, pursuant to which consumers may have up to sixty (60) days to dispute a Transaction. Merchant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
CHANGES TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS: SO. reserves the right to revise, modify or update the terms and conditions as listed here in whole or in part, at its sole discretion.
SO reserves the right to refuse any service request at any time for any reason without discussion.
Any Transaction that is not properly authorized is made with full recourse and may be charged back to Merchant; furthermore, any Card-Not-Present Transaction will be subject to additional charges for a Mid-Qualifying or Non-Qualifying Transaction. An Authorization does not constitute a guarantee of payment, only an indication of available credit, and may be subject to dispute or Charge back. Except at such times as the equipment may be inoperable, Merchant shall not engage in soliciting or accepting Card-Not-Present Transactions without the prior written permission of HPS, and then only for such Products and in such amounts as stated in such written permission. Merchant shall not utilize the service of any third party (e.g. telemarketer) to solicit or accept orders or engage in Outbound Telemarketing Transactions. Provide clear disclosure of all material terms of the Transaction: (i.e., all sales are final, applicable restocking fees, returns, etc.); (v) shipping and delivery policies will be clearly and accurately stated;
MERCHANT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT AN AUTHORIZATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE: (A) A WARRANTY THAT THE PERSON PRESENTING THE CARD IS THE RIGHTFUL CARDHOLDER; OR (B) A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE BY HPS THAT IT WILL PAY OR ARRANGE FOR PAYMENT TO MERCHANT FOR THE AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION. AN AUTHORIZATION DOES NOT PREVENT A SUBSEQUENT CHARGE BACK OF AN AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT.RIGHT DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITY SO may provide online data management information concerning Merchant to Member Sponsor Banks, Card Schemes, Card Issuers or any other party. This information includes but is not limited to Merchant identification information, Transaction information, deposits, ACH, batches, equipment, Charge backs, retrievals, online statements and monthly affiliate reports. All rights reserved. SO, “Refund and Exchange Policy Terms of Service” SO may refer customers and or you to certain independent third party providers of certain products or services. Any Agreement relating to the provision of such products or services shall be solely between the provider and Merchant services to who customer was given a referral to and Under no circumstance shall Serving Others have any liability arising out of or related to the referral. It is up to you the customer to apply your own research for the service you look for.
Truth of Statements: I have given my information and contest all statements contained in the Application are true and complete and do not omit any information necessary to make such information and statements not misleading to SO.
Electronic Signatures: Under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign), this Agreement and all electronically executed documents related hereto are legally binding in the same manner as are hard copy documents executed by hand signature when (1) your electronic signature is associated with the Agreement and related documents, (2) you consent and intend to be bound by the Agreement and related documents, and (3) the Agreement is delivered in an electronic record capable of retention by the recipient at the time of receipt (i.e., print or otherwise store the electronic record). This Agreement and all related electronic documents shall be governed by the provisions of E-Sign. By pressing Submit, you agree (i) that the Agreement and related documents shall be effective by electronic means, (ii) to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and related documents, (iii) that you have the ability to print or otherwise store the Agreement and related documents, and (iv) to authorize us to conduct an investigation of your credit history with various credit reporting and credit bureau agencies for the sole purpose of determining the approval of the applicant for merchant status or equipment leasing. This information is kept strictly confidential and will not be released.